Golf Club Distance Chart- Golf Club Yardage

Golf Club Distance Chart: Getting The Most From Your Yardage

Posted In: Golf Tips
Updated On: Oct 1, 2023 |
Written By: Larissa Allard

Do you aim to minimize the number of strokes for your golf round?

Does your ball stop soon after taking a flight and doesn’t reach the target even after a proper swing?

Well, then, you need to use the appropriate golf clubs, depending on the situation! But choosing the right club for longer distances is a daunting task.

Here’s where golf club distance charts help you plan your game better. Thus, sinking the ball into the hole will be easy.

I have gathered data about the latest distance charts! Yet, before that, you must know the key factors of these charts and how you can improve your distance and leverage these charts’ data accurately!

What Are The Major Factors Influencing Golf Club Distance?

To be honest, several factors affect the distance your golf ball travels. Surprisingly, all of them are important, and you need to focus on each aspect carefully.

Swing Speed

Swing speed is pivotal in determining how far the golf ball will travel! A faster swing would provide better ball speed and performance.

However, other factors do affect the distance. The strategy of swinging plays a crucial role.

For instance, if a beginner and veteran golfer play with the same swing speed, the latter’s ball will travel farther.

This is because of their strategy and striking technique. Therefore, swing speed, strategy, and skills matter!

Average Swing Speed By Age Chart

10-16 years old93 mph83 mph
17-25 years old113 mph93 mph
26-40 years old108 mph90 mph
41-50 years old103 mph88 mph
51-60 years old​​98 mph73 mph
60+ years old​​90 mph70 mph

Smash Factor

The smash factor is the number that indicates the efficiency with which a golf club transfers energy to the ball upon contact. But what is its relation with golf club distance, and how does it affect it?

Here’s what I’ve learned and experienced:

When the smash factor is low, it implies that the club hasn’t transferred much energy to the ball. Thus, the ball travels a lesser distance.

When the smash factor is high, the club has transferred energy efficiently, which can help the ball travel farther.

Further, if you want to calculate the smash factor, divide the ball’s speed by club speed upon impact!

Thus, Smash Factor = Ball Speed ÷ Club Speed

For instance, if the club speed is 60 mph, and the ball speed is 96 mph, then the Smash factor is 1.6, which is a good value.

Consequently, the ball travels farther distances. Moreover, don’t forget other aspects affecting golf club distances.

The Ball Speed

Ball speed is the speed at which a golf ball travels. However, it doesn’t depend solely on swing but on two crucial factors, including the type of golf ball and the quality of the strike!

  • Type of Golf Ball: There are various golf balls with different characteristics. These determine how far the ball travels.
    For instance, some golf balls prioritize distance while others focus on how better the ball can be controlled. 
  • Quality Of Strike: How you hit the golf ball significantly affects its speed. A proactive and ideal practice is to hit the ball with the club from the centre of the clubface using the apt technique.
    Following this methodology will help the ball travel greater distances. However, if you make contact with the ball on the toe or heel of the club, it will negatively impact distance.

Now, after knowing this, you might be thinking about how to calculate the ball speed! A rough calculation helps; however, only pro golfers can calculate it effectively.

Therefore, the role of launch monitors help you measure the distance that a ball travels.


The equipment you use to play golf also determines the distance your ball will travel. This is because professional and pro-level golfers use custom-made equipment or get the club size modified as per requirements.

Further, they know what kind will suit their shot shape and skill level. Therefore, even if a beginner and veteran golfer have the same swing, the latter’s ball will be farther due to the customized equipment.

Adjusting the clubhead shaft and making the club more forgiving per skill level are some aspects of customizing equipment.

Yet, as a noob, it’s quintessential for you to analyze your strengths, weaknesses and accordingly decide the customization required.

The Impact Of Skill Level On Distance

Your ball can travel a larger distance with the right precision and stroke. Well, it does help you; however, your skill level is crucial.

For instance, if you are skilled enough, your ball can travel a larger distance, while without it, the distance traversed will be comparatively less.


Your clubhead’s size and shape also affect golf club distances. For instance, a driver has a larger clubhead than a 7 wood.

Here, the former would add more yards to your shot. Therefore, the size of the clubhead plays a crucial role in determining the distance the ball travels.

However, the grass is not always green! Larger clubheads are good, but make misses bigger if you can’t strike efficiently.

Therefore, consider the club’s type, size, and effect on your shot!

Loft Angle

One of the significant factors that affect how far the ball travels is the loft! The simple tip is, “The lower the loft of your club, the longer your ball goes.”

Hence, an 8-12 degree driver (less loft) goes 250+ yards, and the whole pitching wedge travels only 100-130 yards.

Weather Conditions

Whether it is the scorching heat of summers, cold and moist winters, or winds blowing around, golf doesn’t halt.

It is apparent for you to play even in harsh weather conditions. However, it does affect how far your goal ball goes!

Therefore, while hitting the golf ball, consider the weather conditions as well!

Golf Club Distance Charts: What Is The Average Distance For Male Golfers By Skill Level?

2-irons to 4-irons aren’t much incredible for a noob golfer as they don’t travel much distances. This is because the clubs they contain need exceptional techniques and greater swing speed.

Avoiding such clubs is a must for a beginner or a high handicapper. Moreover, with subsequent practice in the right direction, your golf club distance will increase with improved golfing skills.

Driver180 yds220 yds250 yds280 yds
3 Wood170 yds210 yds225 yds235 yds
5 Wood150 yds195 yds205 yds220 yds
Hybrid145 yds180 yds190 yds210 yds
2 Iron100 yds180 yds190 yds215 yds
3 Iron100 yds170 yds180 yds205 yds
4 Iron100 yds160 yds170 yds195 yds
5 Iron125 yds155 yds165 yds185 yds
6 Iron120 yds145 yds160 yds175 yds
7 iron110 yds140 yds150 yds165 yds
8 Iron100 yds130 yds140 yds155 yds
9 Iron90 yds115 yds125 yds145 yds
Pitching Wedge80 yds100 yds110 yds135 yds
Gap Wedge60 yds90 yds100 yds125 yds
Sand Wedge55 yds80 yds95 yds115 yds
Lob Wedge40 yds60 yds80 yds105 yds

Golf Club Distance Charts: What Is the Average Distance For Lady Golfers By Skill Level?

Due to women’s physique, they hit the golf ball shorter than men. Even if a woman golfer is a veteran, her ball doesn’t travel as far as an experienced male golfer.

However, it’s noteworthy that her ball travels a lesser distance than men’s, but her shots are more accurate.

So, when a man and a woman strike a ball of the same distance, the latter’s shot will be more accurate.

Driver150 yds175 yds200 yds230 yds
3 Wood125 yds150 yds180 yds210 yds
5 Wood110 yds140 yds175 yds200 yds
Hybrid105 yds135 yds170 yds195 yds
2 Iron105 yds135 yds170 yds190 yds
3 Iron100 yds125 yds160 yds185 yds
4 Iron90 yds120 yds150 yds180 yds
5 Iron80 yds110 yds140 yds170 yds
6 Iron70 yds100 yds130 yds160 yds
7 iron65 yds90 yds120 yds150 yds
8 Iron60 yds80 yds110 yds140 yds
9 Iron55 yds70 yds95 yds130 yds
Pitching Wedge50 yds60 yds80 yds115 yds
Gap Wedge45 yds55 yds70 yds95 yds
Sand Wedge40 yds50 yds60 yds85 yds
Lob Wedge35 yds45 yds50 yds70 yds

Golf Club Distance Charts: What is the Average Distance For Seniors And Pro Golfer? 

Driver196 yds279 yds
3 Wood173 yds240 yds
5 Wood164 yds227 yds
Hybrid160 yds222 yds
2 Iron156 yds217 yds
3 Iron151 yds209 yds
4 Iron145 yds200 yds
5 Iron138 yds191 yds
6 Iron130 yds180 yds
7 iron123 yds169 yds
8 Iron114 yds157 yds
9 Iron105 yds146 yds
Pitching Wedge97 yds136 yds
Gap Wedge89 yds122 yds
Sand Wedge82 yds108 yds
Lob Wedge74 yds97 yds

Golf Club Distance Chart By Swing Speed 

If you are an amateur golfer, you can measure the swing speed and data points using devices like Trackman.

This is because your swing speed with different types of clubs affects the golf club’s distance. 

For instance, a swing speed of 150 mph is super fast for long-drive competitors, while 114 mph is what best golfers follow in the PGA Tour Average.

To be precise, the swing speed helps you understand the distance the ball travels with different clubs. 

Here’s a breakdown of the same:

CLUB60 mph70 mph80 mph90 mph100 mph110 mph120 mph130 mph140 mph150 mph
Driver (Total)155181206232258284310335361385
Driver (Carry)146170195219243268292316340365
3 Wood130150175195215238259283303318
5 Wood125145165185205225245165285305
2 Iron118135155176194213233252271292
3 Iron115130150172188207226245265284
4 Iron110126145165180190208226245264
5 Iron105120138155170185198215228247
6 Iron100115130145165175185195208219
7 Iron95105120135155165175185195210
8 Iron85100115130145155165175190202
9 Iron8090105120130145160175186197
Pitching Wedge7385100110120135145156167179

Ball Speed To Club Head: What Is The Speed Chart For Driver? 

The speed with which you swing, especially using a driver, helps you know the swing speed. A faster swing provides higher ball speed, indicating that the strike is good at a particular speed.

BALL SPEED (mph)110120130140150160170180190200
CLUBHEAD SPEED (mph)77849198104111118125132138
DRIVER CARRY181198214231247263280296313329

Driver Swing Speed Chart: How Does Skill Level Affect Distance?

Consistency and skills are something that will help you achieve wonders in golf. So, if you are confident and skilled, it will affect how you hit the driver. One of the best practices is to hit the sweet spot consistently!

Beginner190 yards80 mph
Average220 yards94 mph
Good240 yards100 mph
Excellent265 yards110 mph
PGA Tour Average275 yards114 mph
Women’s Average180 yards77 mph
LPGA Tour Average218 yards94 mph

Golf Club Distance Chart By Loft

As mentioned earlier, a club’s loft determines the golf club’s distance. To recall, a club with a lesser loft helps the ball travel a greater distance (especially if the shaft is long) than a greater loft. 

For instance, when you strike with a driver, the ball travels the farthest, while a lob wedge travels the shortest (60 degrees approx).

Moreover, the clubs of today can let your ball travel a greater distance as manufacturers have designed it with a cavity.

You would be surprised to know that the same type of golf clubs earlier travelled a lesser distance but can now reach further. 

To be precise, each club today has a 2°-5° lower loft than the previous time. Hence, it travels up to 15 yards more per iron. However, drivers do not have lower lofts; it will be harder for people to strike. 

So, due to loft, if you choose a driver with less than 9° of loft, it will be challenging to swing. This is because it should be much faster, requiring a higher skill level. 

Therefore, clubs now have bigger clubheads and sweet spots apart from lighter shafts. All of these collectively boost the ball and swing speed. 

Driver8° – 13°9° – 14°
3 Wood13° – 15°15° – 17°
5 Wood20° – 23°21° – 24°
2 Iron18° – 20°20° – 22°
3 Iron21° – 24°23° – 25°
4 Iron25° – 28°28° – 30°
5 Iron28° – 31°31° – 33°
6 Iron32° – 35°35° – 37°
7 Iron36° – 38°39° – 41°
8 Iron40° – 43°43° – 47°
9 iron45° – 48°48° – 50°
Pitching Wedge47° – 50°51° – 54°

Golf Club Distance Charts: How Much Is It For PGA Tour Golfers? 

3 Wood243295282325265235230
5 Wood230275267300245220215
3 Iron212227210197
4 Iron203255236272215195186
5 Iron194235225256200180175
6 Iron183220212235186167164
7 Iron172205200222170155153
8 Iron160190186200157145142
9 Iron148175172188148130130
Pitching Wedge136160158169136120118

What Do These Golf Club Distance Charts Mean?

Golf club distance charts let you compare your shots amongst different types of clubs, club-related aspects, and also amongst average, senior, and pro players.

Thus, you can analyze where your distance lies. Besides, with club and swing speed-related aspects, you can better estimate your swing distance and improve upon it.

Thus, you can use the right club for every situation and plan your game accordingly.

Pro Hacks To Increase Driver Distance

As a golfer, you would consistently attempt to make your ball reach a farther distance. Though practice and warm-ups are essential, they are effective only if carried in a proper directional approach.

You cannot compromise upon the need to swing with the correct practical application for larger distances.

There seem to be several answers, but “all directions lead to no direction.” Hence, I’ve compiled my tried and tested methods to improve it!

1. Chart Your Yardages

Charting your yardages means using each golf club in your bag for hitting the ball and measuring how much distance it travels!

However, when doing so, ensure you perform this in normal weather conditions. Thus, you will get a standard data.

Furthermore, knowing the apt distances lets you pick the appropriate club for the round. However, a wrong guess can spoil the entire game.

Hence, you should use a launch monitor for accurate distance analysis, which gives insights into golf club speed and attack angle. So you can plan your next game better!

2. Enhance Your Swing

You should improve your swing practices when you want your ball to have a long drive.

Tweaking swing aspects like the speed, takeaway (how you swing), and downswing (how you bring the club down) help with longer drives.

Suppose your swing comes down steeply; then the ball will travel a much shorter distance and be inaccurate.

Hence, bringing down the club more shallowly (through a square clubface) will carry more distance and forward spin.

The better the swing, the more you can adore looking at the ball farther down the fairway.

3. Visit The Gym

Staying optimally fit is essential for hitting the ball in a longer way. To change it, you must workout in the gym regularly with a gym trainer.

It helps you increase your strength and flexibility so your body can remain in optimal health. 

Some tips are as follows:

  • Visit a doctor to consult if you are in good health for gymming 
  • Start by lifting weights (lift smaller weights initially and then begin with larger ones) 
  • Focus on muscle building as well 
  • Perform stretching for 5-10 minutes before playing or practicing 

Stretching helps you maintain better health, improving the distance a golf ball travels. Besides, during all this time, don’t keep your body too rigid; rather, maintain flexibility.

This helps you swing comfortably, avoiding injuries. Moreover, all this helps you increase strength and swing with greater power.

4. Customize Your Golf Clubs

To improve distance, you need to tailor your golf clubs correctly as per your strengths and weaknesses.

Besides, you can even order custom-made equipment, for instance, those with longer shafts. This directly improves your golf ball distance. 

To talk about myself, in the beginning, I used a steel shaft, which was heavier to swing, and thus, the ball didn’t travel further.

So, when I switched to a lighter club with a graphite shaft, my ball swung around faster and travelled longer distances.

Similarly, you can use lighter drivers or different kinds of irons to improve performance. 

Moreover, customizing even improves your ball flight, making you feel comfortable and confident while swinging.

5. Speed Up Your Tempo

When you want the ball to go longer, never swing slowly. You must observe PGA Tour players and their faster swings for longer distances for better analysis.

Therefore, experiment with different range tempos to see which works better for you.

6. Invest In New Golf Equipments 

Current-day golf equipment is engineered in such a way that it helps your ball cover longer distances; therefore, if your equipment is quite old, it’s always wise to invest in newer ones. 

But things don’t end here! Equipment alone cannot help you cover the extra distance. You should also emphasize enhancing your flexibility, achieving consistency in swings, and focusing on physical fitness.

Elevating the ball’s travel distances will act as a game-changer in your golf game.

The Final Verdict 

Selecting the proper golf club for your round and situation can be challenging. Here’s where golf club distance charts are a boon, which helps you decide the clubs better.

Consequently, you can achieve more consistency in your game. By charting golf club yardages, knowing your swing speed, and considering tempo, you can unleash your potential to the fullest.

But don’t forget to optimize your health by being at the gym regularly, increasing your strength and consequently boosting your swing.

A faster swing is better than a slower one, but the techniques and skills used do matter! 

Just like datasets of business for data analysis, golf club data charts help you analyze the correct clubs to improve your game.


  1. How many yards should be between each club?

    Golf Club yardage gaps vary. Yet, a 10-15 yards gap between clubs is considered a good range.

  2. How do I know my swing speed?

    The age-old method to measure swing speed is to guess it, which isn’t reliable. Hence, you should use a launch monitor or swing speed radar to measure swing speed.

  3. Can I measure my golf club distance?

    Yes! To measure your golf club distance, use a golf GPS, watch, or even sensors on your clubs.

  4. How to do I know my golf distance?

    You need to track your shots on the course with every club you use. Use golf GPS, golf watches, or club sensors to track your shots. Moreover, sensors on the club help you measure the distance you hit on each club, such as drivers, fairway woods, irons and wedges.

  5. How to calculate my golf score?

    The number of strokes a golfer takes to complete the hole is called a Golf score. Your final golf score for one round is the sum of strokes you take for all the holes on the course, plus penalties you might have incurred.

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